
EDI Mapping

Cacevo as EDI mapping provider makes you life easy.

What is EDI mapping?

EDI mapping is the process of converting data structures from an internal proprietary format (csv, json, txt, excel, SAP IDoc, Flat File, etc.) to a standardised EDI format (EDIFACT, ANSI X12, OFTP2, etc.) that is better suited to transmission between trading partners. Depending on the use case, data files need either be mapped for outbound (internal system -> EDI) or for inbound (EDI -> internal system).

EDI Mapping in Cacevo Cloud

Many EDI providers have complex mapping tools that requires lots of training time investment by users. At Cacevo, we believe your time should be spent on your core business and not on the technical details of integration. Therefore, our team will take care of investigation, setup, mapping, maintenance and monitoring.


  1. Automation - Once an integration is setup in Cacevo Cloud, the EDI mapping and other transformations are fully automatic.
  2. Accuracy - EDI mapping eliminates manual processes, eliminating the risk for user error, and ensuring EDI data is accurately and consistently received or transmitted.
  3. Flexibility - Not all systems or trading partners adhere to EDI standards, therefore Cacevo is ready to make custom changes whenever necessary.
  4. Visibility - EDI files are backed up and can be stored and viewed indefinitely in the Cacevo Cloud browser.

Example Purchase Order Scenario

Lets consider the scenario of sending purchase orders to a supplier. Normally, you would communicate the purchase order using an email with an excel or csv file attachment. However, one of your suppliers has requested that you send all purchase orders in the format of international EDIFACT standard. Furthermore, the supplier want the purchase orders to be automatically integrated via FTP communication. So how could you solve this using Cacevo?

To quickly start using this new way of integrating, you can keep the process of sending the purchase order via email in csv format the same - just send it to a dedicated email address of Cacevo Cloud instead.

  1. Cacevo: Receive the email and store a backup of the content.
  2. Cacevo: Translate the csv file into a EDIFACT Purchase Order EDI file.
  3. Cacevo: Send the EDI by FTP to the supplier.
  4. Supplier: Automatically replies with a EDIFACT Purchase Order Response EDI file by FTP.
  5. Cacevo: Translate into relevant information such as receipt acknowledgment, PO confirmation, amendment proposal or PO rejected. Store a backup of the content.
  6. Cacevo: Automatically forward the response by email to your inventory manager.

Now in order to fully automate the whole purchase order flow, you would want to integrate the advance shipping notice (ASN) and the invoice EDI from your supplier, which can be achieved using similar steps as the PO.

Example EDI Mapping of purchase order.

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